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Dragon Fruit Diseases That Might Wipe Out Your Expensive Investment

Dragon fruit farming has in the recent times taken root in Kenya, many farmers are scrambling to purchase dragon fruit seedlings on many plant raisers. We have been seeing farmers praising their dragon fruit farms with awe! Dragon fruit is an expensive fruit found on many of our supermarkets with a KG ranging an average of 1500Kshs. Most of plant raisers are selling a cutting between 500-2000Kshs depending on many factors like size.

However, non of the plant raisers nor the “success full farmers” that are being featured in newspapers, television and blogs in Kenya is talking about the major threats in the industry, this might be attributed to ignorance or luck of knowledge.

Agriculture has increased the production of staple crops, through plant breeding and biotechnology, in arable areas that are now becoming limited due to industrialization. With staple crops becoming a common diet and with people getting the same nutrients from these foods, wild, exotic and underutilized edible plants are being explored as supplements or alternatives.

One potential plant is dragon fruit or pitahaya. This vine cactus plant is water-efficient, rich in betalains and antioxidants, has medicinal benefits and is a source of income to growers. However, dragon fruit production faces significant challenges. Among these, losses due to diseases play a significant role in fruit-yield reduction and profitability.

This article provides a comprehensive review of dragon fruit diseases, their associated pathogens, distribution, and their current management options. We conclude that anthracnose, fruit and stem rot, stem canker and the cactus viral disease are among the most frequently reported diseases of dragon fruit and actions are needed to address the growing problems associated with these diseases as effective, sustainable and practical management strategies are yet to be identified.

Cause for Concern?

Pest and Diseases of Dragon Fruit Farming In Kenya

Dragon fruit growers in Kenya are faced with several production issues contributing to yield reduction. Among the issues faced is the short storage life of the fruit and the non-stable fruit supply as flowering and harvesting occurs.

Dragon Fruit in general are tolerant to disease of major concerned. However there are pest which are associated with the crop because of unfavorable climate and management of the crop.

Among pest associated are anthracnose, brown spots, stem and fruit rots. Insects like beetles, ants , scales, snails and birds.

Stem rot

It is a major problems in dragon fruit cultivation.

All infectious diseases can-and-will be transmitted from plant to plant by pruning/trimming tools. There is also a strong possibility that these diseases can also be spread by direct contact of roots and stems that touch each other.  Some insects (such as Leptoglossus sp mentioned above), can also spread infectious disease from plant to plant.

For some difficult diseases, many have advocated destroying infected plants and starting over in a different location.  Your best bet is prevention; inspect plants before you buy and keep your tools clean.

Colletotrichum gloesporiodes (aka Anthracnose)

One of the common disease of dragon fruits.

Colletotrichum gloesporiodes (aka Anthracnose) is the name of another fungi that can infect dragon fruit cacti.  The lesions from this fungal infection look like concentric haloes on stems and fruit


Sunburn can have an appearance similar to some of the other diseases listed herein. Sunburn can be a problem when a plant is moved quickly from a shady area to a full sun location. Growing in areas of more intense sunlight  can also lead to sunburn injury.

This injury may present as areas of yellowing, corking, scabbing and pealing.  You can expect this injury to be seen on the most sun exposed sides of the plant (South/top of the plant).  On that note, sunburn can also sometimes look very similar to Botryospaheria dothidea infection. However, the distribution of the stem lesions should be different. Specifically, if something looks questionable but is on the under-surface of a plant, then it is not sunburn.  In this situation, you should consider one of the infectious diseases listed above as the cause.

Disease Management On Dragon Fruit

Farmers Trend has been carrying out a research on the disease management of dragon fruit farming in Kenya, using an integrated approach. The current recommended disease management comprises the following:


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