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Effective management of pig farming and how to produce pigs.

Pig farming is important in many parts of the world as it produces cheap tasty meat and other secondary products like pigskin, bristle, lard, bone and blood meals, and manure over a shorter period. Pork is processed into various forms such as ham, bacon and sausages. Pigs are hardy stock and are profitable to rear as they are prolific breeders and turn out good meat over a reasonable period.

Pig production is a very good business venture which brings ready cash anytime and it is also convenient to every producer. It is good for every farmer to know the effective management of pig farming and how to produce pigs.

Management practices


After obtaining the breeding stock from outside, the pig farmer selects gilts with desirable characteristics from his own growers. The breeding programme depends on the type of pigs to be produced and at what age.

Foundation stock

To start a piggery (pig farm), the foundation stock should have the following qualities;

Care for the sow during pregnancy

Gilt matures at 5-6 months old but should not be mated until she is 7-8 months old. Breeding should start after third or fourth week. Heat occurs at three intervals and last for 2-3 days when services can take place. It is best to serve the sow twice within 12-24 hours to ensure successful pregnancy. The period of pregnancy takes 112-115 days i.e. 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days.


The pregnant sow should be dewormed two weeks before farrow to get rid of worms. The farrowing pen should be thoroughly, clean, washed, and scrubbed with boiling water and disinfectant.

Care of the baby pig (piglet)


The proper design and construction of swine facilities is very important in preventing diseases. Buildings should be placed on well drained sites. Drainage systems should be designed so that water and runoff from one group of swine does not reach another. There are many examples of disease problems where waste water or urine transmitted disease from one group to another.

Building materials should be selected for durability and ease of cleaning. Durability is important to prevent wear and damaged areas that harbor infectious agents. For example, a high quality concrete mix should be used to avoid corrosion by acids in manure. It should also withstand the gnawing habits of pigs.

Solids floors should be sloped for proper drainage and ease of cleaning. Floors that allow standing water invite filth and sanitation problems. Slotted or wire floors generally work well and offer a sanitary advantage by reducing manure accumulation. However, wood and concrete slats are sometimes difficult to clean and disinfect. Walls should be constructed of durable materials that are easy to clean. Solid partitions, particularly between farrowing crates, and individual hog houses help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Roofing material can be thatch, spilt bamboo, galvanized iron, asbestos sheets etc. each sty should be provided with separate trough along one of the sides for feed and water.


Prevention and controlling diseases and pest

The best method of preventing disease is not to create favourable conditions for the germs to breed by adopting good sanitation measures all the time. This is by keeping the sty and pigs clean all the time. Provide fly-proof against insects like tsetse fly all the time. Adhere strictly to routine indication and vaccination at various stages of growth.

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