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JackFruit (Fenesi) Farming in Kenya and its wide range of health benefits

It is sad that Indigenous fruits are abundant in Kenya yet the average Kenyan knows very little about their nutritional value. When I spend time in our village, I see plenty of these rotting on the ground. Generally, the lack of passion to market and promote indigenous fruits does not match their unequalled taste. We need to do better as citizens, everyone has a role to play to restore the magnificence of our native fruits. In the near future, with good sensitization, the native fruits could play a big role in contribution towards food security.

For JackFruit Seedlings, contact +254 790509684 or +254 724559286

Today I chose to focus on this large,native and nutritious fruit, that most of us, especially those who come from the western and coast areas, usually see or even sometimes touch it but we do not know its nutritional and medicinal value.Iam talking about the Jack fruit, or FENESI as it is commonly known in our Kiswahili language.

About Jack fruit.

Jack fruit is native to Asian countries especially west India, also native to Africa, especially in the tropics of east Africa. In Kenya, it is commonly found in the western and coastal areas. The Jack fruit is   highly nutritious and  medicinal. It grows into a large tropical tree, with dark green leaves, and a grayish stem. The  fruits are gigantic ,green on the outside and whitish in the inside when premature and unripe, Mature ripe fruits are usually yellowish green on the outside and a deep yellow colour on the inside,which has the sweet smell of a ripe banana.


Jack fruit grows well in a wide range of soils, as long as they are deep, well drained and fertile. It does well in the tropics, where the climate is relatively warm, although it can tolerate cold tempratures.In Africa however, The fruit has not been fully commercialized,thus most trees are left to grow on their own. They are hard species, despite being given less attention, the trees grow and still bear fruits.

Pests and diseases.                                       

The jack fruit is rarely affected by pests or diseases, However the diseases that attack it are physiological as a result of flooding or drought. The shots may die, or flower and premature fruit abortion may occure. Common pests include the Jack fruit fly which can be controlled by using organic pesticides.


Just like any other fruit trees, for maximum production, the trees should be pruned.Incase of attack by pests such as the fruit fly, the fruits are sprayed using pesticides.

The jack fruit In Kenya is mainly found in the western and coastal parts. There is need to explore the potential of the fruit for its nutritional value.


When propagated through seeds, The jack fruit takes 3 to 8 weeks to germinate depending on the dormancy of the seed, variety and available soil nutrients. The process of germination can be increased through deeping the seeds in warm water for 24 hours prior to planting. The Jack tree seedlings are then transplanted once they grow three to four leaves .At 3 to 4 years of age, the tree starts flowering, trip off the flowers to allow maturity and uniform growth. During the 5th year, flowering begins. The fruit mature 3 to 4 months after flowering, but ripen one month later.The Jack tree can last for over 100 years with productivity declining over the years.

Importance of Jack fruit.       

The jack fruit has both nutritional and medicinal values. Which include.

1. Helps to get a glowing complexion:

You can consume jackfruit seeds directly to prevent constipation. This fiber rich fruit also detoxifies your system to add a glowing complexion.

2. Flawless skin:                                                                 

Jackfruit seed can give you flawless skin. Soak some dry seed with milk and honey. Grind them into a fine paste and apply on your face. Let it dry, and then wash off to reveal flawless skin in just few minutes.

4. High in protein:

Jackfruit seeds contain a good amount of protein. This can be added to different dishes that you prepare. You can also replace lentils in your daily diet with jackfruit seeds!

5. Promotes hair growth:

Jackfruit seeds can aid in healthy blood circulation that is vital for good hair growth. This one I can bear witness.

6. Vitamin A:

Jackfruit seeds contain vitamin A that is an essential vitamin for healthy hair and to prevent dryness and brittle hair.

7. Immunity:

Jackfruit is a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can strengthen your immune system. A strong immune system can protect the body from many common diseases such as cough, cold and flu. Jackfruit seeds contain a good amount of protein. This can be added to different dishes that you preffer

8. Maintains blood pressure:

Jackfruit has potassium that maintains the sodium level in the body. Good level of potassium helps to maintain the fluid level to balance electrolyte. Hence, it is useful to reduce high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack.

9. Improves digestion:

Jackfruit is a rich source of dietary fiber that makes it a bulk laxative. This helps to improve digestion and prevents constipation.

10. Bone health:

Jackfruit contains calcium, which strengthens and promotes healthy bone. This can also prevent osteoporosis. Jackfruit also contains good level of potassium, which can decrease the loss of calcium through the kidney and increase bone density.

11. Prevents cancer:

Our fore fathers never suffered from cancer, attributed to the consumption of these native fruits. Jackfruit has antioxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoid that provide protection from cancer. Antioxidants in jackfruit protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are produced due to oxidative stress in the body. This damages the DNA of your cell and produces cancer cell. But, antioxidants can neutralize these free radicals to protect DNA from free radicals damage. Jackfruit also provides protection against colon, lung and oral cavity cancer.

There are more values of the tree since most of its parts are utilized.


Let us all harness,research and create awareness on the nutritional and medicinal value of the native fruits.

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