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A Complete Guide On Pineapple Farming In Kenya

Pineapple farming in Kenya has gained significant popularity due to its profitability and suitability to the country’s climate. Pineapples, scientifically known as Ananas comosus, are tropical fruits that do well in warm and humid conditions, making Kenya an ideal location for farming.

The fruit is rich in vitamin A and C and minerals like P, Ca, Mg, K and Fe. The fruit as well as the other plant parts like stem contain a proteolytic enzyme, bromelin, which helps the digestion process. This is used for tenderizing meat and in the leather tanning process. The fruit contains fairly good amount of fibres, which help in the bowel movement, including pineapple in the daily diet eliminate indigestion problems.

Pineapple is fairly drought resistant but for high yields a well distributed annual rainfall of at least 1000mm is required. A regular supply of soil moisture is essential. Altitude has an important effect on flavor of fruit. The optimum altitude for pineapple culture is up to 1100m above sea level. Frost-free area should be selected for cultivation since plants are highly susceptible to frost.

The optimum temperature is between 22-23oC. Leaf growth is the best at 32oC and root growth at 290C, their growth completely ceasing below 20oC and above 36oC. Exposure to direct strong sunlight results in sunburn of fruits leading to partial drying, dessication, less juice content and cracking of fruits. Optimum precipitation for commercial pineapple cultivation ranges from 1000-1500 mm/year. Water logging is very harmful to growth of pineapple, being a shallow rooted plant.

Pineapple grows well on a wide range of soils. However, the best soil can be a well drained, and loam with a good content of organic matter, friable for a depth of at least 60 cm and with a pH range of 4.5-6.0.

To engage in pineapple farming, it is crucial to understand the essential aspects of the process. Firstly, selecting the right variety of pineapple is important. In Kenya, popular varieties include Smooth Cayenne, MD2, and Queen, each with its own characteristics and market preferences.

Before planting, proper land preparation is necessary. Pineapples prefer well-drained soils with good organic matter content. Clearing the land, plowing, and harrowing are typical land preparation practices. Additionally, incorporating organic manure or compost into the soil enhances fertility and improves overall plant growth.

Propagation of pineapples is done through vegetative means, primarily using suckers or crowns. Suckers are the shoots that grow from the base of the mother plant, while crowns are the leafy tops. These propagules are planted in rows or beds, ensuring adequate spacing for optimal growth and easy access for maintenance activities.

Pineapples require regular and adequate watering, especially during dry spells. Drip irrigation systems or furrow irrigation methods are commonly employed to ensure the plants receive sufficient moisture without excessive waterlogging. Mulching is also beneficial to conserve moisture, suppress weed growth, and maintain soil temperature.

Weed control is crucial in pineapple farming to prevent competition for nutrients and water. Manual weeding or the use of herbicides can effectively manage weeds. However, it is important to follow proper application procedures and adhere to safety guidelines when using chemicals.

Pineapple plants require proper nutrition to achieve optimal growth and fruit production. Balanced fertilizers containing essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are applied at specific intervals throughout the growing season. Soil testing is recommended to determine the specific nutrient requirements for your pineapple plantation.

Pest and disease management is critical to protect the pineapple crop. Common pests include mealybugs, fruit flies, and nematodes, while diseases like fusarium wilt and root rot can affect plant health. Integrated pest management strategies, including regular monitoring, cultural practices, and judicious use of organic or chemical control methods, are essential to minimize damage and ensure healthy plants.

Harvesting of pineapples usually occurs when the fruits reach their full maturity and develop the desired sweetness and aroma. Pineapples are harvested by cutting the fruit from the plant, leaving a portion of the stem attached. Proper handling and storage techniques are crucial to maintain fruit quality and prevent post-harvest losses.

In terms of market opportunities, the demand for pineapples both locally and internationally remains high. Local markets, supermarkets, fruit vendors, and export markets provide avenues for selling pineapples. Additionally, value-added products such as pineapple juice, dried pineapple, and pineapple jam can be explored to diversify income streams.

Pineapple farming in Kenya offers a promising venture for farmers seeking profitable agricultural opportunities. With proper planning, cultivation practices, and market strategies, pineapple farming can yield rewarding results and contribute to the economic growth of the country.

Popular Pineapple Varieties In Kenya

Smooth Cayenne Pineapple Variety

Smooth Cayenne pineapple Variety

This is the most widely cultivated pineapple variety in Kenya. It has a golden-yellow flesh, a sweet-tart flavor, and a high juice content. Smooth Cayenne pineapples are commonly used for canning, juice production, and fresh consumption.

MD2 (Golden Pineapple) Pineapple Variety

MD2 pineapple Variety

MD2 is a hybrid variety known for its sweet taste and low acidity. It has a golden-yellow flesh, a firm texture, and a high sugar content. MD2 pineapples are popular for fresh consumption and are often exported due to their superior quality and extended shelf life.

Queen Pineapple Variety

Queen pineapple Variety

Queen pineapples are recognized for their compact size, cylindrical shape, and sweet flavor. They have a vibrant golden-yellow flesh and are often used for fresh consumption and juicing. Queen pineapples are favored for their high sugar content and aromatic qualities.

Pwani Hybrid Pineapple Variety

Developed by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), the Pwani Hybrid variety is known for its disease resistance and high yield potential. It has a sweet flavor, yellow flesh, and is suitable for both local consumption and processing.

Smooth-Leaf Cayenne Pineapple Variety

Smooth-Leaf Cayenne Pineapple Variety

Similar to the Smooth Cayenne variety, the Smooth-Leaf Cayenne has the same flavor and characteristics. However, it is distinguished by its smoother leaves, making it less susceptible to leaf damage caused by thrips.

Red Spanish Pineapple Variety

Red Spanish Pineapple Variety

Although less commonly grown, the Red Spanish variety features a reddish or orange-yellow skin and a vibrant yellow flesh. It has a tangy flavor and is often used for juicing or as a decorative fruit.

These are just a few examples of the popular pineapple varieties grown in Kenya. Each variety has its unique characteristics, flavor profiles, and market applications. Farmers choose the variety that aligns with their specific goals, market demand, and local growing conditions.

Land preparation On Pineapple Farming

Seed selection and planting :

Suckers are shoots growing from buds below the ground level and shoots are leaf branches produced from buds in the axils of leaves above ground levels. Both suckers and shoots are produced as daughter plants by side of mother plant, in the post flowering stage.

Slips are smaller structures arising from fruit stalks. Crowns which adorns the fruits grow as extention of the central core of fruits and have a large number of leaves arranged closely on a central axils. Tissue culture suckers are produced in laboratory and they are generally disease free.

Performance of plants in terms of vigour, duration, fruit size and quality varies depending on the type and size of planting materials used. Shoots and suckers yield fruits in 17-18 months, slips in 18-20 months and crowns in 22-24 months.

Planting Pineapple

Planting is done by hand, with or without the aid of a planting machine. Use of the latter results in uniform, neat plantations.

Plant spacing:

Planting season:

Planting density:

Planting methods:

  1. Selecting Planting Material:
    • Pineapples can be propagated using suckers or crowns. Suckers are shoots that grow at the base of the mother plant, while crowns are the leafy tops of harvested pineapples.
    • Choose healthy and disease-free suckers or crowns from reliable sources. Look for ones that have a firm base and fresh green leaves.
  2. Preparing the Planting Holes:
    • Dig planting holes in the prepared beds or ridges. The size of the holes should be sufficient to accommodate the roots of the pineapple plant.
    • Ensure proper spacing between plants, typically around 60 to 90 centimeters apart, depending on the variety and planting system.
  3. Planting the Suckers or Crowns:
    • Place the suckers or crowns into the planting holes, making sure the base of the plant is just above the soil surface.
    • Gently backfill the hole with soil, firming it around the base of the plant to ensure stability.
  4. Watering:
    • Immediately after planting, provide adequate water to the newly planted pineapple plants. This helps settle the soil and promotes root establishment.
    • Subsequent irrigation should be carried out based on the specific water requirements of pineapples and the prevailing weather conditions.
  5. Mulching:
    • Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the pineapple plants. This helps retain moisture, suppresses weed growth, and regulates soil temperature.
    • Keep the mulch a few inches away from the plant’s stem to prevent rotting.
  6. Fertilization:
    • Apply a balanced fertilizer or a specific pineapple fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for healthy growth.
    • Follow recommended fertilizer application rates and timing based on soil test results or general guidelines for pineapple cultivation.
  7. Weed Control:
    • Regularly remove weeds around the pineapple plants to minimize competition for nutrients, water, and sunlight.
    • Hand-weeding or the use of appropriate herbicides can be employed to manage weed growth.
  8. Plant Support (optional):
    • Depending on the variety and growth habit, some pineapple plants may benefit from support. This can be achieved by installing stakes or tying the leaves to prevent bending or breaking.

Crop Management On Pineapple

Fertilisation :

Weed Control:


Pests and Diseases of Pineapple

Pineapples rarely suffer from pests and diseases when good growth conditions have been cared for. The following diseases and pests occur especially in systems which lack diversification.

Pineapple Mealybug Wilt-associated closterovirus (PMWaV)



Pineapple mealybug (Dysmicoccus brevipes)



Yellow spot virus:



 Thrips (Thrips tabaci and Frankliniella schultzei)



Pineapple top and root rot

symptoms :


Black rot of pineapple (Ceratocystis paradoxa)



Harvesting Pineapple

When the production is for export:

When the production is for processing  industrial supply:

When the production is for the local market:

Post Harvest Management

FAQs On Pineapple Farming In Kenya

  1. Q: What is the ideal climate for pineapple farming in Kenya? A: Pineapples thrive in warm tropical climates with temperatures between 20°C and 32°C. They require ample sunlight and moderate rainfall.
  2. Q: Which soil type is suitable for pineapple farming? A: Pineapples prefer well-drained, loamy or sandy soils with a pH level between 4.5 and 6.5. Good soil structure and fertility are essential for optimal growth.
  3. Q: How long does it take for pineapple plants to bear fruit? A: Pineapple plants typically start bearing fruit within 18 to 24 months after planting, depending on the variety and growing conditions.
  4. Q: What are the common pineapple varieties grown in Kenya? A: Popular pineapple varieties in Kenya include Smooth Cayenne, MD2 (Golden Pineapple), Queen, Pwani Hybrid, Smooth-Leaf Cayenne, and Red Spanish.
  5. Q: How do I propagate pineapples? A: Pineapples can be propagated using suckers or crowns. Suckers are shoots growing at the base of the mother plant, while crowns are the leafy tops of harvested pineapples.
  6. Q: How do I prepare the soil for pineapple planting? A: Land preparation involves clearing the site, plowing, harrowing, soil testing, amendment with organic matter, and forming raised beds or ridges.
  7. Q: What is the recommended spacing for pineapple plants? A: Pineapple plants are usually spaced 60 to 90 centimeters apart, depending on the variety and planting system.
  8. Q: How often should I irrigate pineapple plants? A: Pineapples require regular watering, especially during dry periods. Provide sufficient moisture to the plants, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  9. Q: Do pineapples require fertilization? A: Yes, pineapples benefit from balanced fertilization. Apply a suitable fertilizer or organic compost based on soil test recommendations or general guidelines for pineapple farming.
  10. Q: How do I control weeds in a pineapple plantation? A: Regular weeding is necessary to prevent weed competition. Hand-weeding or the use of appropriate herbicides can be employed to manage weed growth.
  11. Q: What pests commonly affect pineapple plants in Kenya? A: Common pests include mealybugs, aphids, mites, and nematodes. Regular scouting and implementing appropriate pest control measures are important.
  12. Q: What diseases should I watch out for in pineapple farming? A: Pineapple diseases in Kenya include bacterial heart rot, fusarium wilt, root rot, and leaf spot diseases. Proper sanitation and preventive measures are crucial.
  13. Q: Can pineapple farming be done organically? A: Yes, pineapple farming can be done using organic practices. Organic fertilizers, natural pest control methods, and soil management techniques can be adopted.
  14. Q: How do I know when pineapples are ready for harvest? A: Pineapples are ready for harvest when the fruit is fully mature and develops a golden color. They should be firm to the touch and have a sweet aroma.
  15. Q: How should pineapples be harvested? A: To harvest pineapples, twist or cut the fruit from the stem using a sharp knife or pruning shears. Leave a small portion of the stem attached to the fruit.
  16. Q: Can I store harvested pineapples? A: Pineapples can be stored for a short period at room temperature, but for longer storage, it is recommended to keep them in a cool and dry place. It’s best to consume fresh pineapples as soon as possible to enjoy their optimal flavor and nutritional value.
  17. Q: How do I handle post-harvest handling of pineapples? A: Proper post-harvest handling involves removing any dirt or debris from the fruit, sorting them based on size and quality, and packing them in appropriate containers. It’s important to handle the pineapples with care to prevent bruising or damage.
  18. Q: Can pineapples be exported from Kenya? A: Yes, Kenya has a significant pineapple export market. Export-quality pineapples need to meet specific standards and requirements set by importing countries. It’s important to adhere to quality control measures and follow the necessary procedures for international trade.
  19. Q: Are there any value-added products I can make from pineapples? A: Pineapples can be processed into various value-added products such as pineapple juice, dried pineapple slices, pineapple jam, and pineapple puree. These products can provide additional income streams and increase the marketability of the crop.
  20. Q: What are the potential challenges in pineapple farming? A: Some common challenges include pest and disease management, fluctuating market prices, climate variability, and access to quality planting materials. It’s crucial to stay informed, seek advice from experts, and implement proper management practices to overcome these challenges.

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