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A New Dawn for Kenyan Basil Fresh Herbs and Broccoli Exporters

Healthy Basicl Crop

Healthy Basicl Crop

Kenya is a leading exporter of fresh produce; Cut flowers, ornamental plant cuttings, vegetables, fresh herbs and fruits. The markets where we sell the produce have been gradually changing to reflect safer and sustainable approaches across all value chains. This is because of increased awareness of safety, health and environment related to how every aspect of these agribusinesses are run. Producers and value chain actors have responded by aligning themselves to these requirements in the face of a competitive market environment.

Basil crop showing symptoms of parasitic nematodes

Connected to these developments Ecospray a manufacturer of garlic-based crop protection products in 2018 teamed up with Dudutech a leading biological crop protection company in Africa as the distributor to launch a game changing crop protection product into the Kenyan market. Having obtained PCPB registration the doors were opened for the garlic based nematicide targeting parasitic nematodes on French beans and Roses to be made available for use in tackling what would be described as a silent unseen killer within the soil, parasitic nematodes.

Since then, the product by the name NEMguard SC has gained acceptance within the flowers and vegetables segments of the horticulture subsector. Working together with the distributor team Ecospray has been instrumental in offering customer support services in the form of awareness on soil health.

This has been achieved through sensitising farmers on the importance of collecting representative soil samples for analysis. That aids the diagnosis of soil pests and diseases as well as beneficial soil organisms present in the soil. After which depending on results obtained corrective actions can be decided based on objective findings. For example, tests results will detail the nematodes present in the soil beneficial and parasitic. The numbers present per soil volume. These provide an indication of threshold level. Depending on the crop type and its tolerance to parasitic nematode attack.

Presence of beneficial nematodes, other beneficial soil macro and microorganisms is a good sign towards providing the farmer with natural defences against soil borne pests and diseases.

Approval of Nemguard SC in Kenya

This year 2023, Ecospray the manufacturers of Nemguard SC through Dudutech, Kenyan distributor received a boost by obtaining two new approvals for the product. Pest Control Products Board Kenya approved label extensions to allow use of product in the management of parasitic nematodes in Basil as a soil applied drench and diamond black moth on broccoli belonging to the brassica family as a foliar applied spray. This development is great milestone for the company and a sign of confidence that naturally derived crop protection has come of age in providing sustainable solutions to farmers. This has not come easy and is a culmination of many years of research.

Broccoli infested with BDM

Food safety, health and environmental concerns continue to dominate stakeholders in the production and consumer fronts with a view to minimize potential risks resulting from use of crop protection solutions available in the market

The technology relies on polysulphide chains that are bio active to nematodes, insects, and fungi by contact. Nemguard SC has proven its worth as a low-risk alternative in the management of nematodes and now diamond back moth in that it provides good efficacy on the Pest, is a zero MRL active, has multisite activity therefore no known pest resistance and is compatible with biological control agents being applied in integrated pest management crop programs

Basil plants infested with parasitic nematodes exhibit above ground visual signs of Yellowing, stunted growth, wilted plants even with adequate watering and nutrition. Root inspection after uprooting symptomatic plants reveals galling an indication of root knot nematode Meloidogyne spp attack. Root knot nematode is one of the most common parasitic nematodes on Basil and many other crops globally.

However, it is not the only one that will attack, there are several other parasitic nematodes that can be found infesting the crop. Thus, soil sampling and analysis is an important good agricultural practice that provides vital information about soils physical, chemical and biology important in decision making. That brings us to another important good agricultural practice to emphasize, soil sampling for analysis to determine the number of nematodes in the soil early and comparing that to visual symptoms.

It is much easier to manage the problem when it is starting compared to when the pest is well established therefore continuous monitoring when scouting for other above ground pests is encouraged. Light infestation of parasitic nematodes may occur on patches within basil cropped areas however if the problem remains untreated it can affect whole cropped areas making it unsustainable to continue growing basil on affected areas.

Healthy and Nematode Infested Roots On Basil

Nemguard SC provides a sustainable alternative to the problem and can be applied soon after transplanting seedlings on main field to protect against parasitic nematode attack without risk of causing damage to the young plants tender roots increasing quality and quantity of yield per unit area.

Throughout the world diamond back moth Plutella xylostella is considered the main insect pest of brassica crops; Broccoli, cabbages, Kales, and Cauliflowers. The damage caused by this pest particularly the larvae caterpillar has a huge impact on the productivity of these crops. Incorporating Nemguard SC early on as per the label recommendation in cropping of Broccoli has proven useful in protecting crops against infestation thus better yields.

Visit this link to learn more on Nemguard SC and its approval in Kenya: 

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