Hass avocado has emerged as a symbol of prosperity and a lucrative export opportunity for many local Kenyan farmers. However, a looming threat in the form of diseases poses a significant risk to this money making industry. As Kenyan farmers work tirelessly to meet global demand, the impact of these diseases is deeply human and jeopardizes their livelihoods and the nation’s position as a key player in the international avocado market.

Behind every diseased avocado tree stands a resilient farmer whose dreams are now at risk. The challenges posed by these diseases are not just financial but also deeply personal and emotional. For generations, farming has been an essential way of life for many Kenyan families, and the emergence of the avocado industry was meant to be a beacon of hope. However, diseases threaten this very hope, casting a dark shadow over their future.

Imagine the heartache of a farmer who has nurtured an avocado orchard for years, only to see it succumb to disease. Witnessing the trees they planted with love and care become victims of these infections can be soul-crushing. The dreams of sending their children to school or providing for their families hang in the balance.

As disease-ridden avocado trees affect yields, the overall quantity and quality of avocados available for export decline. Kenya’s reputation as a reliable supplier of premium avocados is at stake, with the potential to lose valuable international markets. Consumers worldwide are increasingly health-conscious and are seeking the best-quality produce. Any compromise on that front might lead to a loss of trust and confidence in Kenyan avocados.

Furthermore, export restrictions may be imposed by importing countries to prevent the spread of diseases, dealing a severe blow to Kenya’s economy and the livelihoods of countless farmers.

The Avocado Revolution in Kenya

In recent years, Kenya has witnessed a remarkable rise in avocado cultivation, driven by the increasing global demand for this nutrient-rich superfood. The creamy texture, distinctive flavor, and abundant health benefits of the Hass avocado variety have catapulted Kenya to a prominent position in the global avocado trade. This agricultural triumph has opened doors for countless small holder farmers, offering hope for a better life and economic growth for rural communities.

Despite the promising outlook, the avocado industry is now facing severe challenges posed by various diseases that have infiltrated avocado orchards across Kenya.

Diseases cause annual crop losses and occasional tree losses to avocado growers and necessitate expenditures for their control. Control of diseases causing fruit blemishes and decay has become very important since strict grade standards are in effect. The diseases of avocado are caused primarily by fungi, but a single known virus disease is also important in avocado production.

Avocado Scab

Avocado scab disease is caused by the fungus Sphaceloma perseae. Scab symptoms on avocadoes present as oval to round, raised areas of corky scab. The first lesions that appear are generally black/brown and scattered across the fruitโ€™s skin. The lesions begin to coalesce and merge, potentially affecting almost the entirety of the fruit.

The disease occurs on leaves as individual purplish to dark brown spots less than 3 mm in diameter. The spots are visible on both sides of the leaf and eventually the centers may fall out, leaving small irregular holes fringed with grayish brown tissue. Severe infections are manifest by lesions on the midrib and veins resulting in distorted and malformed leaves. The spots on the veins, leaf petioles and the green cortex of twigs are oval to elongate in shape and slightly raised, giving a rough feeling when lightly rubbed.

The disease occurs on the fruit as raised, circular to oval and dark brown to purplish-brown corkyย  pots. The spots are scattered or may coalesce to form irregular, russeted areas which sometimes involve the entire surface of the fruit. Avocado scab is confined to the outer surface of the fruit; the flesh is not impaired by the disease. The fruit may be deformed or underdeveloped in severe cases and will be culled in packing. Scab-infected fruit is more susceptible to avocado anthracnose whichย  will increase preharvest fruit drop.

Symptoms of hass Avocado Scab disease treatment in kenya. avocado diseases

1. Causes of Avocado Scab:

The avocado scab disease cycle typically begins when spores of the Sphaceloma perseae fungus are released from infected tissues. These spores are spread through various means, including wind, rain, and human activities, and can remain dormant until they come into contact with susceptible avocado plant parts. Factors that contribute to the development and spread of avocado scab include:

a) Environmental Conditions: High humidity, frequent rain, and prolonged periods of leaf wetness create favorable conditions for the fungal spores to germinate and infect avocado tissues.

b) Cultivar Susceptibility: Some avocado cultivars are more susceptible to scab than others. For instance, the Hass variety is known to be particularly vulnerable to the disease.

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c) Pruning and Wounding: Pruning or any form of wounding on avocado trees can provide entry points for the pathogen, facilitating its penetration into the plant tissues.

d) Infected Plant Debris: The fungus can survive on infected plant debris, fallen leaves, and fruit, acting as a source of infection for subsequent growing seasons.

2. Symptoms of Avocado Scab:

Avocado scab primarily affects the fruit, but it can also appear on leaves, stems, and branches. The symptoms vary depending on the severity of the infection and the affected plant part:

a) Fruit: Scab lesions on avocado fruit are the most visually noticeable symptoms. Initially, small, dark, raised spots appear on the fruit surface. As the disease progresses, these spots coalesce, forming larger, scaly, and corky lesions. Severe infections can lead to deformities and cracking of the fruit, rendering it unmarketable.

b) Leaves: On avocado leaves, scab lesions are usually small, circular, and raised, with a dark brown to black appearance. As the lesions grow, they develop a characteristic corky texture.

c) Stems and Branches: Scab lesions on stems and branches are similar to those on leaves, appearing as raised, dark brown spots.

3. Control and Management of Avocado Scab:

Implementing an integrated approach to disease control is crucial in managing avocado scab effectively. Here are some key strategies for controlling and preventing the spread of the disease:

a) Disease-Resistant Cultivars: Whenever possible, choose avocado cultivars that have demonstrated resistance to scab. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection and decrease the disease’s impact on the orchard.

b) Sanitation: Practice good orchard sanitation by removing and destroying any infected plant debris, fallen leaves, and affected fruit. This helps eliminate potential sources of spores and reduces the chances of disease spread.

c) Pruning Practices: Be cautious when pruning avocado trees, as wounds provide entry points for the fungus. Prune during dry periods, and use clean, sterilized tools to minimize the risk of introducing infections.

d) Fungicides: In severe cases or when the disease pressure is high, fungicides can be used as a preventive or curative measure. Consult with agricultural experts to determine the most appropriate fungicides and application timings for effective control.

e) Irrigation Management: Avoid overhead irrigation, especially during periods of high humidity, as this can promote the spread of the disease. Instead, use drip irrigation to deliver water directly to the root zone.

f) Monitoring and Early Detection: Regularly inspect avocado trees for any signs of scab lesions. Early detection allows for prompt intervention and prevents the disease from escalating.

Anthracnose or Black Spot

Anthracnose is commonly found on maturing fruit on the tree and is the most frequently observed rot of softening avocados in the market. The first sign of the disease is small, light brown to black, nearly circular discolorations of the skin scattered over the surface of the fruit. As the fruit matures, the spots enlarge to 10-15 mm or more in diameter.

The color changes from light brown at the edge to dark brown and greenish-black in the center of the slightly sunken spot. The fungus spreads rapidly into the flesh, causing a greenish-black, relatively firm decay which eventually involves most of the fruit. The surface of the lesions may develop prominent radial and circular cracks. The fungus forms pink, waxy spore masses on the surface of the spots under high humidity.

Anthracnose-symptoms-of-ripe-avocado-a-external-symptoms-of-a-fruit-with-multiple. Avocado disease

1. Causes of Hass Avocado Anthracnose:

The fungal pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is responsible for causing Anthracnose in Hass avocados. The disease cycle begins when spores of the pathogen come into contact with susceptible plant tissues. Several factors contribute to the development and spread of Hass avocado Anthracnose:

a) Environmental Conditions: Warm and humid weather is highly conducive to Anthracnose development. The pathogen thrives in moist conditions, and rain or irrigation can create an environment suitable for spore germination and infection.

b) Infection through Wounds: The pathogen gains entry into avocado tissues through wounds, such as those caused by insect feeding, hail damage, or improper pruning practices.

c) Poor Orchard Sanitation: Infected plant debris, fallen leaves, and infected fruit left on the ground can serve as sources of spores, leading to disease spread in subsequent growing seasons.

d) Secondary Infections: The disease can also spread from infected fruits to healthy fruits through direct contact or by splashing water during rain or irrigation.

2. Symptoms of Hass Avocado Anthracnose:

Symptoms of Hass avocado Anthracnose primarily manifest on the fruit, but the disease can also affect leaves and twigs. The severity of symptoms may vary depending on environmental conditions and management practices. Key symptoms include:

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a) Fruit: Small, dark, and sunken lesions initially appear on the fruit surface. Over time, these lesions enlarge, becoming circular or irregular in shape. The center of the lesions may develop a tan or grayish color, surrounded by a dark border, giving it the characteristic “black spot” appearance. As the disease progresses, the fruit may decay, leading to significant yield losses.

b) Leaves: Anthracnose lesions on leaves are usually small and circular with dark centers and light-colored borders. Severely infected leaves may drop prematurely, leading to defoliation and reduced photosynthetic capacity.

c) Twigs and Stems: Infections on twigs and stems are less common but may occur under severe disease pressure. Symptoms include small, dark lesions that can cause dieback in young shoots.

3. Control and Management of Hass Avocado Anthracnose:

To effectively manage Hass avocado Anthracnose, a comprehensive approach that integrates cultural, biological, and chemical strategies is essential. Below are key control measures:

a) Pruning and Sanitation: Regularly prune avocado trees to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration within the canopy. Remove and destroy any infected plant debris, fallen leaves, and infected fruit to reduce sources of spores.

b) Fungicides: Fungicides can be used as a preventive measure or curatively when disease pressure is high. Copper-based fungicides and synthetic fungicides with proven efficacy against Anthracnose can be applied following label instructions.

c) Irrigation Management: Avoid overhead irrigation, as wetting the foliage can facilitate disease spread. Use drip irrigation to deliver water directly to the root zone, minimizing leaf wetness.

d) Disease-Resistant Cultivars: When possible, select avocado cultivars that have demonstrated resistance or tolerance to Anthracnose, reducing the risk of infection.

e) Biological Control: Beneficial microorganisms, such as Trichoderma spp., can help suppress Anthracnose development. Commercial biological products can be applied to avocado trees to enhance disease resistance.

f) Harvest and Post-Harvest Practices: Handle harvested fruit with care to minimize mechanical injuries that can serve as infection points. Implement proper post-harvest storage and handling practices to reduce disease spread during transportation and storage.

g) Monitoring: Regularly monitor avocado orchards for Anthracnose symptoms. Early detection allows for prompt action and minimizes disease spread.

Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd)

Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd) is a small infectious pathogen that poses a significant threat to avocado trees (Persea americana). Unlike bacteria or fungi, viroids are unique infectious agents composed solely of single-stranded, circular RNA molecules, lacking a protein coat. ASBVd, specifically, belongs to the family Avsunviroidae and is responsible for causing the devastating disease known as Avocado Sunblotch.

Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd). Avocado disease

1. Transmission and Spread:

The primary mode of ASBVd transmission is through vegetative propagation, where infected avocado plants or plant parts are used for grafting or budding new trees. The viroid is commonly found in avocado scions, rootstocks, and even asymptomatic mother trees. ASBVd can also be transmitted through contaminated pruning tools and equipment.

2. Symptoms of Avocado Sunblotch:

Avocado Sunblotch is a latent disease, meaning that infected trees may not show visible symptoms for an extended period, possibly even years. When symptoms do manifest, they can vary depending on avocado variety, environmental conditions, and the presence of other viroids.

a) Yellow Streaking: The most common and characteristic symptom of Avocado Sunblotch is yellow streaking on the leaves. These streaks can be intermittent or continuous and may appear as wavy lines or bands of varying widths.

b) Leaf Deformities: Infected leaves may also exhibit distorted growth, curling, and narrowing, leading to a puckered or “wavy” appearance.

c) Reduced Fruit Quality and Yield: Severe infections can adversely affect fruit development and quality, leading to reduced yields and smaller, misshapen fruit.

d) Viroid Accumulation: Infected trees can accumulate the viroid in various parts, such as the leaves, stems, roots, and fruit.

3. Detection and Diagnosis:

Detecting ASBVd in avocado trees requires specialized molecular techniques like reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). These methods can detect and quantify the presence of the viroid, even in asymptomatic trees.

4. Impact on the Avocado Industry:

Avocado Sunblotch Viroid poses a significant economic threat to the avocado industry in Kenya, as infected trees may not display symptoms for an extended period. This latency can lead to the inadvertent spread of the viroid to healthy avocado trees through propagation, exacerbating the problem and reducing the overall productivity of avocado orchards.

5. Control and Management:

There is no cure for Avocado Sunblotch Viroid once a tree is infected. Therefore, preventive measures are crucial to minimizing its spread:

a) Certified Planting Material: Obtain avocado planting material from reputable nurseries that follow rigorous viroid testing protocols to ensure the production of disease-free trees.

b) Testing and Removal: Regularly test trees for ASBVd and promptly remove any infected trees from the orchard to prevent further spread.

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c) Sanitation: Practice good sanitation, ensuring that all pruning tools and equipment are properly cleaned and disinfected before and after use.

d) Quarantine and Regulation: Implement quarantine measures to prevent the movement of infected planting material to new areas and adhere to regulations for avocado propagation.

Avocado Root Rot

Avocado root rot is a serious and often fatal disease that affects avocado trees. It is caused by various soil-borne pathogens, most notably the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. This destructive disease targets the root system, leading to impaired water and nutrient uptake, wilting, and ultimately, the decline of avocado trees.

1. Causes of Avocado Root Rot:

The main culprit behind avocado root rot is the soil-borne fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. This pathogen thrives in wet and poorly-drained soils, making it particularly troublesome for avocado orchards in regions with heavy rainfall or irrigation practices that promote waterlogging. The following factors contribute to the development of avocado root rot:

a) Excess Moisture: Soil saturation or waterlogging creates favorable conditions for the growth and spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Excess moisture restricts oxygen availability to the roots, weakening the tree’s defense against the pathogen.

b) Infected Plant Material: The fungus can persist in the soil for extended periods, even in the absence of avocado trees. Planting avocado trees in soil previously infested with Phytophthora cinnamomi increases the risk of root rot development.

c) Poor Drainage: Soils with inadequate drainage prevent water from escaping, increasing the likelihood of waterlogged conditions that promote the growth of the pathogen.

d) High Soil Salinity: Saline soils can exacerbate avocado root rot by further stressing the trees and reducing their ability to withstand the disease.

2. Symptoms of Avocado Root Rot:

The symptoms of avocado root rot may vary depending on the severity of the infection, the avocado variety, and the environmental conditions. Common symptoms include:

a) Wilting: Affected avocado trees exhibit progressive wilting, especially during hot weather. The leaves may droop and curl, and the canopy may thin out as the disease advances.

b) Yellowing Leaves: Leaves may display a yellow or bronze discoloration, starting from the leaf margins and moving inward towards the midrib.

c) Reduced Growth and Productivity: Avocado trees suffering from root rot often exhibit stunted growth, reduced fruit production, and smaller-sized fruit.

d) Discolored Root System: The root system of infected trees may show signs of decay, turning dark brown or black, and becoming brittle. In advanced cases, root rot can lead to root death.

3. Management of Avocado Root Rot:

While avocado root rot is challenging to treat once established, several management strategies can help prevent its occurrence and reduce its impact:

a) Site Selection: Choose well-draining soils with good aeration for planting avocado trees. Avoid planting in areas with a history of root rot infections.

b) Proper Irrigation: Implement a controlled and efficient irrigation system to prevent waterlogging. Avoid overwatering and monitor soil moisture levels regularly.

c) Soil Improvement: Incorporate organic matter into the soil to improve its structure and drainage. This can enhance the tree’s resistance to root rot.

d) Disease-Free Planting Material: Source avocado trees from reputable nurseries that provide disease-free planting material.

e) Fungicides: In areas with a history of root rot, the application of fungicides may help protect the root system. Consult with agricultural experts to determine the appropriate fungicides and application timings.

f) Root System Inspections: Periodically inspect the root system of avocado trees for signs of disease. Promptly remove and destroy any infected trees to prevent the spread of the pathogen.

g) Quarantine Measures: Implement quarantine measures to prevent the movement of infected soil or planting material from one area to another.


The diseases threatening Kenyan avocado trees are not just a threat to an industry but also to the dreams and aspirations of hardworking farmers. In facing this challenge, we must recognize the human dimension behind the avocado exports and work together to safeguard the future of Kenya’s avocado industry. By embracing resilience, knowledge, and collaboration, we can overcome these obstacles and ensure that the creamy goodness of Kenyan Hass avocados continues to grace plates around the globe.

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