Arguably one of the most popular vegetables, tomatoes have their share of tomato fruit problems. Diseases, insects, nutritional deficiencies or over abundance, and weather woes can all afflict your prized tomato plant. Some problems are dire and some are cosmetic. Amongst this plethora of ills is tomato plant zippering. If youโ€™ve never heard of zippers on tomatoes, I bet youโ€™ve seen them. So what causes zippering on tomatoes?

What is Tomato Fruit Zippering?

Tomato fruit zippering is a physiological disorder that causes a characteristic thin, vertical scar running from the stem of the tomato. This scar may reach the entire length of the fruit to the blossom end.

The dead giveaway that this is, indeed, tomato plant zippering, are the short transverse scars crisscrossing the vertical marring. This gives the appearance of having zippers on the tomatoes. The fruit may have several of these scars or one.

What Causes Zippering on Tomatoes?

Zippering on tomatoes is caused by a disorder that transpires during fruit set. The cause of zippering appears to be when the anthers stick to the side of the newly developing fruit, a pollination problem caused by high humidity. This tomato problem seems to be more prevalent when temperatures are cool.

There is no option for controlling this tomato fruit zippering, save for growing varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to zippering. Some tomato varieties are more prone than others, with Beefsteak tomatoes being amongst the worse afflicted; presumably because they need higher temperatures to set fruit.

Also, avoid excessive pruning, which apparently also increases the odds for zippering. As can excessive nitrogen in the soil.

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Never fear though if your tomatoes are showing signs of zippering. First off, usually not all of the fruit is affected and, second of all, the scar is just a visual issue. The tomato wonโ€™t win any blue ribbons, but zippering does not affect the flavor of the fruit and is safe to eat.

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