The Anna apple, often referred to as the “Anna French” apple, is known for its adaptability to a wide range of climates and its ability to thrive in warmer conditions of Eastern region as compared to many other apple varieties.

anna apple variety in kenya

The Anna apple is a tropical apple variety that is well-suited for cultivation in Kenya. It is a high-yielding variety that produces sweet, crunchy, and semi-acidic fruits. Anna apples are also relatively early ripening, with fruit ready for a good harvest within 2 years.

Anna apple trees are usually propagated by budding or grafting onto rootstocks. Planting should be done during the rainy season to ensure that the trees establish well. Spacing should be about 4 meters between rows and 3 meters between trees.

Anna apple trees require regular watering and fertilization. The trees should be watered deeply once a week, or more often during hot and dry weather. Fertilization should be done with a balanced fertilizer, such as NPK 15:15:15, every 3-4 months.

Anna apples are typically small to medium-sized with a yellow-green skin. The flesh is crisp and sweet, making it a popular choice for fresh consumption.

Origin Of Anna Apple

As farmers we are always searching for the best way to grow plants and trees in suitable for our climate. The desire to grow apples in a more temperate climate lead to the Anna apple tree, botanical name malus.

The Anna apple was developed in Israel in the 1950s by Abba Stein at the Ein Shemer kibbutz. Stein was looking to develop a low-chill apple variety that could be grown in warmer climates. He crossed a Golden Delicious apple with an unknown variety, and the Anna apple was born.

The Anna apple was released to the public in 1959 and quickly became popular in warm-climate countries such as Israel, Florida, and California. It is now one of the most popular apple varieties grown in Kenya.

The Anna apple is a testament to the ingenuity and hard work of Abba Stein. He was able to develop a new apple variety that has benefited fruit growers and consumers around the world.

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Characteristics Of Anna Apple

Sweet, crunchy, and semi-acidic, Annas are a delicious addition to your fruit tree orchard. The fruit is large with a soft rosy red blush against a yellow-green skin. Their firm juicy flesh is a beautiful creamy white and presents a mild, sweet-tart flavor.

These all purpose, crisp flavorful apples are perfect eaten raw, baked, or cooked. They work well in both sweet and savory preparations. As a precocious, semi dwarf variety, the Anna apple tree will bloom early and produce a copious crop.

Where to buy certified anna apple seedlings

In Kenya, grafted anna apple seedlings can be obtained at Farmers Trend nurseries by contacting 0724-559286 or +254790509684. The plants can also be exported to other countries.

Selecting A Location For Anna Apple Trees

Anna apple trees flourish in warmer climates because they were developed to tolerate a low chill zone. Chill hours equate to a drop in temperature below 45 degrees. This low temperature allows the plants to rest in dormancy and induces bloom production when the temperatures warm up. With increased bloom production, the fruit trees become prolific produces.

Considering where to plant your apple tree is an important decision that will affect the health, fruit, and longevity of your fruit trees.

The Anna apple tree requires full sun and well drained soil. When planted in the correct location, this fruit tree will reward you with more vigorous growth and fruit production. The semi dwarf Anna apple tree is well suited for a full sun. A slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8 will ensure healthy tree growth. Additionally, the Anna apple tree prefers a well drained, sandy loam, to rest her root system.

This apple tree loves to be mulched, but take care to not run the mulch up to the tree base. Keep a few inches free away from the tree trunk allowing for needed air circulation.

A traditional apple tree variety requires between 500 and 1000 chilling hours. The Anna apple tree can grow in warmer climates because it requires around 200 chill hours to bloom. They also loves full sun.

Pollination And The Anna Apple Tree

Pollination is the only way to get those beautiful white blossoms to turn into fruit. Since this variety is not a self fertile fruit tree, it requires a pollination partner that blooms early and has a low chill hour requirement. The ideal candidate for a pollination partner is the Dorsett Golden apple tree.

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The Dorsett is has a low chill requirement and also blooms early. Additionally, the Dorsett is delicious and will add a nice variety to your harvest. Many white-blossom crabapple varieties can also be good pollination pairs, however, they don’t provide the wonderful edible fruit you get from the Dorsett.

Anna apple trees should be spaced 15-20 feet apart for optimum growth space and pollination.

Common FAQs

1. What is Anna apple, and why is it suitable for cultivation in Kenya?

Anna apple is a variety known for its adaptability to warmer climates. It’s suitable for Kenya due to its ability to grow in regions with milder winters and hot, dry summers, making it a great option for areas that do not have a typical temperate climate.

2. When is the best time to plant Anna apple trees in Kenya?

The ideal time to plant Anna apple trees in Kenya is during the cool, rainy season, which typically falls between March and May or during the short rains in October and November. Planting during these periods ensures that the young trees have enough moisture to establish themselves.

3. Do I need to cross-pollinate Anna apple trees in my orchard?

Yes, like many apple varieties, Anna apples require cross-pollination to set fruit. It is recommended to plant other compatible apple varieties in your orchard to facilitate pollination and improve fruit production.

4. What are the key soil requirements for Anna apple cultivation?

Anna apple trees thrive in well-drained, loamy soil with good organic matter content. Conduct a soil test to assess the soil’s pH and nutrient levels and make any necessary amendments to ensure optimal growth.

5. How often should I water Anna apple trees in Kenya?

Apple trees, including Anna varieties, require consistent moisture. It’s important to provide regular and deep irrigation, especially during the growing season. Drip irrigation is a suitable method for apple orchards.

6. What are the common pests and diseases that affect Anna apple trees in Kenya?

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Anna apple trees can be susceptible to pests such as aphids, mites, and fruit flies, as well as diseases like apple scab and powdery mildew. Implement a pest and disease management program, including regular monitoring and treatments as needed.

7. How long does it take for Anna apple trees to start producing fruit?

Anna apple trees typically start producing fruit within 2 to 3 years after planting, depending on various factors such as growing conditions, tree health, and proper care.

8. When is the best time to harvest Anna apples in Kenya?

Anna apples in Kenya are usually ready for harvest between January and February. It’s essential to pick them at the right stage of ripeness, which is when the fruit is crisp and has achieved its full flavor.

9. How should I prune Anna apple trees, and how often should I do it?

Regular pruning is important to shape the tree, improve airflow, and encourage fruit production. Pruning is typically done during the dormant season in winter, and it’s advisable to consult with a local horticulturist for specific pruning guidelines.

10. What is the market potential for Anna apples in Kenya?

Anna apples have a growing market in Kenya, and their popularity is increasing due to their adaptability to local climates. There is demand for fresh consumption and processing, making them a profitable choice for apple farmers in Kenya.

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