Bee venom, often referred to as apitoxin, is a powerful substance of honeybees. Although it’s known for its role in defensive mechanisms, this venom holds untapped potential that extends beyond the hive. Bee venom is in high demand across the world for its medical and therapeutic applications, including pain relief, skincare, and immune system stimulation. However, despite Kenya’s rich biodiversity and favorable climate for beekeeping, a significant portion of the bee venom available in the market is imported, making it an expensive and rare product.

Bee Venom Farming - A Golden Opportunity for Kenyan Farmers

Redefining Beekeeping in Kenya

Kenyan farmers are in a prime position to transform the beekeeping landscape by embracing bee venom farming. Bee venom collection involves placing special collectors at the hive entrance, stimulating bees to release venom without causing harm. This process can be integrated seamlessly into existing honeybee farming practices, enhancing the overall value of beekeeping ventures. For farmers with idle land or limited resources, bee venom farming offers an economically viable option that requires minimal investment while maximizing returns.

Honey and Beyond: A Dual Benefit

While the allure of bee venom farming is significant, the advantages don’t end there. Honey production, a staple of beekeeping, holds immense potential for Kenya’s self-reliance. Currently, the country imports around 80% of its honey, leaving only 20% sourced locally. With the global demand for honey soaring, local farmers can tap into this demand by expanding their honey production. By simultaneously pursuing both honey and bee venom farming, Kenyan beekeepers can diversify their income streams and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Seizing the Opportunity with bee venom

As the market for bee venom continues to grow, the potential profits are striking. In Kenya, a kilogram of bee venom goes for around 8,000 Kenyan Shillings. This premium valuation reflects the rarity potential of bee venom, creating a lucrative venture for farmers to explore. By collaborating with experts like Savannah Honey, adopting modern techniques, and integrating sustainable practices, Kenyan farmers can not only meet local demand but also position themselves as exporters of this precious resource.

According to Savannah Honey, a Kenyan company involved in bee keeping and sales of bee keeping equipment’s within East Africa, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to extract one or two grams of venom. Each bee contains only a few millilitres of venom. We need at least 18 to 20 colonies of bees to extract one gram of venom. Each colony comprises hundreds of bees including a single queen, hundreds of male bees and 20,000 to 40,000 worker bees.

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Composition Of Bee Venom In Kenya

Bee venom is like a secret recipe crafted by bees. It’s a mix of special things that work together in amazing ways.

  1. Melittin: This is like the boss of the venom. It helps with pain and swelling when you get stung by a bee. It’s also good for calming down inflammation.
  2. Apamin: This one talks to your brain and helps with things like making you feel better and less anxious.
  3. Mast Cell Degranulating Peptide: This fancy name means it tells your body to release stuff like histamine, which can make you itch or feel funny after a sting.
  4. Phospholipase A2: Think of this as a superhero that breaks down walls. It helps the venom spread in your body and gets your immune system ready to fight.
  5. Hyaluronidase: This helper makes sure the venom goes where it needs to by breaking down stuff that gets in the way.
  6. Adolapin: This one is like a painkiller. It helps you feel better if you’re hurt.
  7. Histamine and Dopamine: These are like little messengers that tell your body how to feel. They can make you feel itchy or sore after a sting.

How to start bee venom farming or business in Kenya

  • Bee venom farming is one of the most profitable farming businesses although it is highly profitable but difficult business. First you need a clean and crystal clear atmosphere where you can establish bee farming.
  • After choosing a specific place you need some bee hives, you can start with 50 bee hives, these mini boxes are actually house of bees in which bees are kept with the help of slates.
  • Now you need an electrical machine called venom collector/extractorย  that is used to collect venom from bees. This machine does not harm bee sting and bee because the electric current is very low that only provokes bee to forsake the venom.

Uses Of Bee Venom

  • Anti-inflammatory: Bee venom can reduce inflammation by suppressing the production of inflammatory molecules. This makes it a potential treatment for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and chronic pain.
  • Analgesic: Bee venom can also relieve pain by blocking the transmission of pain signals to the brain. This makes it a potential treatment for chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and migraine headaches.
  • Immunomodulatory: Bee venom can modulate the immune system, making it a potential treatment for autoimmune diseases such as lupus and multiple sclerosis.
  • Neural protective: Bee venom can protect nerve cells from damage, making it a potential treatment for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Anticancer: Bee venom has been shown to have anticancer properties in some studies, but more research is needed to confirm this effect.
  • Wound healing: Bee venom can promote wound healing by stimulating the production of new blood vessels and collagen.
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A Call to Action

The time is ripe for Kenyan farmers to dive into the world of bee venom farming. With a perfect storm of idle land, ideal climate, and surging global demand, this industry represents a golden opportunity to uplift local communities. By tapping into the unexploited potential of bee venom, farmers can not only boost their own income but also contribute to Kenya’s journey towards self-sufficiency in honey production.

As Kenya envisions a future where its agricultural prowess reaches new heights, bee venom farming stands out as a shining example of innovation and sustainable growth. Let’s embark on this journey together, hand in hand with nature, and make the sweet sound of buzzing bees resonate with the promise of a better tomorrow.


Q1: What is bee venom?

A1: Bee venom is a substance that bees produce and use for defense. It’s a mixture of different molecules that can have various effects on our bodies.

Q2: Is bee venom the same as a bee sting?

A2: Yes, when a bee stings you, it injects its venom into your skin. The venom is what causes the pain, swelling, and other reactions you might feel.

Q3: How is bee venom collected in Kenya?

A3: Beekeepers in Kenya use special collectors placed at the entrance of the hive. These collectors gently encourage bees to release their venom, which is then collected for various purposes.

Q4: What is bee venom used for?

A4: Bee venom has potential medical and therapeutic uses. It’s being studied for pain relief, skincare, and even immune system benefits. However, using bee venom for health purposes should be done under medical supervision.

Q5: Is bee venom safe?

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A5: Bee venom can cause allergic reactions in some people, just like bee stings. If you’re thinking about using bee venom for health reasons, it’s important to talk to a doctor first.

Q6: How does bee venom benefit Kenyan farmers?

A6: Bee venom farming can be a source of additional income for Kenyan farmers. By collecting and selling bee venom, farmers can make use of their idle land and contribute to the growing demand for this valuable substance.

Q7: Why is bee venom quality important?

A7: The quality of bee venom can affect its potential benefits. Healthier bees and better beekeeping practices can lead to higher-quality bee venom with more consistent properties.

Q8: Can Kenya produce high-quality bee venom?

A8: Absolutely! Kenya’s diverse landscapes and flora mean that bees have access to a variety of plants, which can contribute to unique and potentially high-quality bee venom.

Q9: How is bee venom stored and transported in Kenya?

A9: Bee venom is delicate and needs proper handling. Beekeepers use specialized methods to store and transport bee venom, ensuring it stays fresh and potent.

Q10: Could Kenya’s bee venom be valuable on the global market?

A10: Yes, Kenya’s bee venom has caught the attention of the global market due to its unique potential. The country’s diverse floral sources could contribute to bee venom with distinctive qualities.

Q11: Can anyone become a beekeeper and collect bee venom?

A11: Beekeeping and collecting bee venom require knowledge and skills. Proper training and understanding of bee behavior are important to ensure the well-being of both bees and humans.

Q12: How can I learn more about bee venom farming in Kenya?

A12: If you’re interested in bee venom farming, you can reach out to local beekeeping associations, Savannah Honey via 0724052975,, or attend workshops to learn from experienced beekeepers.

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