Figs are fun and fairly easy to grow, but there are a few important things to learn about fig tree care. When good drainage is provided figs can grow in a wide range of soil, but they need a site free of root-knot nematodes. For good fruit crops, and vigorous growth, plant in full sunlight. Cold injury will be further reduced if the fig does not receive direct sunlight early in the morning or late in the evening.

Fig fruits thrives best in areas of moderate relative humidity and can be grown at higher elevations in areas of low rainfall. Fig requires some dry months, particularly at the flowering and fruiting periods. They are light demanding plants and will grow best with 8 hours or more of direct sunlight. Fig can grow in virtually any soil type but prefer a sandy-clay loam within a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0 tolerating soils with high lime content. A soil depth of 1 โ€“ 1.5 m is sufficient for growth. Figs can also grow in rocky areas from sea level to 1,700 meters.

The fruiting cycle is 120-150 days. Some varieties produce one crop per year, others two. Trees have been known to live as long as 200 years.

Growing behaviour of fig fruit tree

Figs are a shallow fibrous rooted species, although depending on location, the roots may spread laterally and vertically. Figs may have a single stemmed tree like growth or multi-stemmed shrub-like growth and often send up suckers from the base of the tree and spreading branches that are low to the ground. Fig wood is weak and decays rapidly.

Ecology of fig fruit farming

Fig fruit is an important food source for much of the fauna in some areas, and the tree owes its expansion to those that feed on its fruit. Seed is dispersed by birds and mammals that scatter the seeds in droppings. We often find various bees and wasps feeding on openings in the fruit made by birds. Weโ€™ll leave some of the fruit on the tree for other organisms and always have plenty of figs.

Fig Types

Figs can be divided into four distinct categories:

  • Common: do not require pollination for fruit set
  • San Pedro: requires no pollination for the first crop (called the breba crop) but requires pollination of the second crop
  • Caduceus/Smyrna : requires pollination in order to set fruit
  • Capri or Male: usually non-edible figs in which the pollinator lives
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Within these categories, one can find over 750 cultivars! The fig contains more naturally occurring varieties than any other tree crop.

Fig Cultivars/Varieties

Fig cultivars have many unique characteristics such as compact to spreading growth habits, fruit colour, shape, taste and size, plant hardiness, etc.

Fig Fruit Seedlings

Where to Plant your Fig

Figs require full sun all day to ripen palatable fruits. Some cultivars can become enormous, and will shade out plants growing beneath so select a site that the tree can grow into. Trying to reduce the size by pruning the branch length causes loss of crop.

Figs can be successfully grown in pots, and this will moderate the plant size. For container grown plants, replace most of the soil in the tub every three years and keep the sides of the tub shaded to prevent overheating in sunlight.


Figs can perform well under soil conditions unsuitable for other crops, but recent studies prove that nutrients exert an effect on yield and quality. Nutrient requirements differ according to variety, but leaf analysis will indicate fertilizer requirements. Drying varieties are more sensitive to nitrogen and adversely affect fruit size and colour. Too much nitrogen also affects the bribe crop adversely. A good application of compost (20 -40 L under a mature tree 10 โ€“ 20 for young trees) along with regular comfrey mulching should be sufficient fertiliser for your fig trees

Fig Root Invasiveness

Fig tree roots generally are very invasive, although much depends on the cultivar, its planting location, and the overall soil quality. Most fig trees, if they are planted in optimal conditions, spread their roots far and wide and sometimes the roots can choke out other plants and can damage sidewalks, driveways and other objects in their paths. Fig trees usually do best on the outskirts of a garden or surrounded by plenty of open space. In order to minimize root invasion, some growers will plant trees in pots or build underground retaining walls to keep the roots structured.

Harvesting Figs

Figs must be allowed to ripen fully on the tree before they are picked. They will not ripen if picked when immature. A ripe fruit will be slightly soft and starting to bend at the neck. Harvest the fruit gently to avoid bruising. Fresh figs do not keep well and can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2 โ€“ 3 days. Some fig cultivars are delicious when dried. They take 4 โ€“ 5 days to dry in the sun and 10 -12 hours in a dehydrator.

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Pests and Diseases Problem of fig fruit

Problems are mainly encountered when trees are under stress, and good practices will prevent most problems. We have never experienced any disease or pest but do lose some of the crop to birds.

In some cases, a young, healthy fig tree undergoes proper pollination and fruit set, then drops all its fruit suddenly. This phenomenon is usually caused by overfeeding. It may take three to four years for the fig to recover from over-fertilisation and produce a crop that ripens and stays on the tree. Avoid using shop bought liquid feeds instead use good compost fed at the base of the plant

Fig fruit seedlings

Seedlings can be obtained at any of Farmers Trend nurseries in Kenya by contacting +254 724559286 or +254790509684



We provide technical support on fruit farming in Kenya. Our Sales Team with technically qualified staff provide after sales service and farmers' advisory services to our customers to get better plant establishment and faster growth of fruit orchard and plantations.

We have a large network of employees who arrange delivery of seedlings to customers at their various destinations from Nairobi. Free technical services to customers on planting method, management practices and plant protection measures. Our team of Agricultural Experts periodically visits and supervise plantations and suggest necessary guidelines to get better growth and higher returns.

The income & expenditure projections indicated by Farmers Trend is normally an approximate figure, as it also depends on the nature and hard work of the farmer.

1. This includes soil testing, seedlings purchase guidance, consultancy, farm preparation guidance and transportation.
2. First production on most fruit trees start after 2nd year and production remains for next several years.

1. We offer special tailored packages per acre on Hass Avocado, Macadamia, Oranges, Mangoes and Apples
2. This packages consist of a well drafted win win situation between the farmer and Farmers Trend
3. Where a farmer provides a) Land b) Preparation of land, c) Soil Analysis d) Manure and any other recommendation as per soil analysis e) Irrigation
4. And, Farmers Trend provide a) Hole digging using recommended spacing b) Soil and manure mixing plus refilling c) Seedlings enough for an acre as recommended d) 3 months monitoring 
5) Each fruit package has its own cost depending on site survey

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